“Spill the tea on the colony” - Caboolture Art Gallery - August 24 - September 24

Over cups of tea I listened to nan talk about being stolen as a little girl from Yalanji country, from her family to Yarrabah.

Over cups of tea I listened to the activism of mum, aunty Nannette and Aunty Marie. Their fight for services, Niku Jowan, Aboriginal Legal Aid in Gimuy (Cairns), Aboriginal Women's Group and alongside Aunty Rose who created Mookai Rosie supporting pregnant mums from the Cape who came to have their babies in Cairns.

Over cups of tea I listened to mum and aunty Paula talk about their lives growing up in Yarrabah and Cairns. I was angry at all they endured. I was inspired by their determination. I was resolved to continue their legacy.

Over cups of tea I sit with my sisters as we help each other heal through the trauma of the colony, daily racism and discrimination. We hold space for each other in our rage against those titles thrown at us 'angry black women, shouty' for we dare to speak out. We gossip. We laugh so loud the neighbours complain (brrrrrtttt).

Over cups of tea my children learn the brutality of what I and those around me endure in the colony, the brutality of our family and community histories. Over cups of tea, we keep those stories alive, we never forget.

Over cups of tea I feel black love, laughter, sovereignty and connections, and the tea is ALWAYS proppa strong!!!


Colonisers stole our land, food source & medicines. In return they gave us rations that barely kept us alive. The rations became known as the Starvation Diet. Refined food, flour & sugar impacts our health today. Aboriginal people have the highest rates of diabetes and kidney disease.

© Copyright flashblak